I came upon this sign when i go through the pictures in Flickr today.
As a photographer, I do came across lots of 'pantang-larang' and advices from those with more experienced. But honestly, this is by far, one of the most important advice among all, AND i would say i'm totally agree with it. Nowadays, as we are quite aware of, many marriages failed because lacking of intimate physical touches. So for the GROOM, i will definitely advice you to print this sign out and stick in on your car windscreen. Firstly, it will remind you to be a more SENSITIVE MAN and secondly, if you can't even find the clitoris, it shows that your direction skills is very BAD. So the next time you get lost, please just ask someone on the road ok?.... :)
Dont get offended guys, it's just something that I wanna share with you all...happy wedding... ")